Michael Kessler
News Editor
The library is currently surveying Milken students to help determine how the library should be run in the future and what library policies should be added or changed.
The biggest issue the library is currently dealing with is how to handle noise levels, which is what the survey primarily addresses. Because there is no other study area on campus, the library has been forced to try to accommodate students who want a quiet, library atmosphere and those who want to use it as an open study area.
Based on the 60-70 students who have filled out the survey, the responses have been split on the issue of noise levels, and the library hopes a consensus or middle ground can be reached.
“Students want different things; some students agree, and some don’t,” Dr. Shamsi Katebi, chief librarian, said. “The library’s limited space is our biggest problem, and we have to find a middle ground.”
The library runs a survey with the students every few years, with the goal of determining what the students think of the library and how it should be improved. It is also an important part of the library’s self-evaluation process, and it is used to prepare for accreditation.