Samantha Behar
Co-Spotlight Editor
- Falling into a never ending abyss of homework, stress, anxiety, and more homework
- Living on less than 5 hours of sleep
- Being told your grades matter…
- Having to decide between the ACT and the SAT
- Not to mention AP classes
- Finally having a license and a car, but have no place to park at school
- Not being able to drive around your friends… legally at least..
- Being constantly asked “where do you want to go to college?” when you have no idea
- And when anyone finds out you’re a Junior they say, “that’s the tough one!”
- Coming to the realization that you’ve taken on too many extracurriculars and leadership roles
Generally having no free time
- Checking MyMilken more than Instagram and all of your social media accounts combined
- Realizing that they weren’t kidding when they told you Freshman year mattered
- “Redefining social life to mean lying in your bed, surrounded by empty tubs of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and your AP Pageant textbook, because face it, it’s your only friend” – Britt Jacobson ‘17
- Realizing Junior year isn’t even half over yet