Matt Novian
It is apparent that the Beatles will continue to leave an indelible mark on future generations. The happiness they have brought to the lives of all who are graced with their “words of wisdom” is enough proof to back my assertion. But as culture changes the Beatles’ music remains the same. So I ponder, what do the four men from Liverpool mean to different generations of people? On the morning of November 16th, when the Beatles went on iTunes after smoothing out discrepancies with Apple, I began to play my favorite Beatles song, “While My Guitar Gently Weeps,” in advisory. My advisor, Ms. Ingrid Guth, looked up and in a wistful tone said, “This song takes me back to 7th grade band room.”
I know very little about my advisor who prefers to remain reticent about her personal affairs, but my curiosity prompted me to ask more questions. I wanted to know Ms. Guth’s fondest memory from her favorite band. Her answers revealed to me a side of my advisor which I would have never have predicted.
“I baked cupcakes on George Harrison’s birthday and carried them around town on a tray with George’s picture taped to it,” Guth said.
Her memories did not stop there. She continued to reminisce about visiting Liverpool at fifteen and walking from the downtown hotel to the childhood homes of John, George and Paul.
“My mother asked the maid where the bad areas were and Ringo’s old house fell within the ‘forbidden zone,’” Guth said.
The Beatles going on iTunes has concluded one of the last stands of the tumultuous sixties, and the benefits of having the Beatles on iTunes certainly surpass the cons. Students who were never exposed to the Beatles finally have the opportunity to open their ears up to something other than Kanye’s self-indulgent rants.
“Today I asked a student who seemed absorbed in his laptop at an inappropriate time if he was buying Beatles songs on iTunes, and he was,” Guth said.
This conversation with Ms. Guth set off my search to find out how the Beatles impacted the next generation. I thought to myself, why not interview Mr. Oliver Savage, the resident Englishman.
In elementary school we Americans are taught “Mary Had a Little Lamb” and “Twinkle Twinkle.” But, according to Savage, children are taught numbers such as “Yellow Submarine,” “When I’m 64,” and “Octopus’s Garden,” in England.
He continued to tell me how the Beatles were instilled in the minds of English children since youth.
“Growing up in the 80’s, Paul McCartney wrote the entire soundtrack to the movie ‘Rupert the Bear’. It was one of my favorite films, and like any child would, I listened to the soundtrack thousands of times.”
Paul McCartney wasn’t the only Beatle to make an impression on children; Ringo Starr was the voice for the animated Thomas the Train Engine. The influence of the Beatles music continues throughout the entire life of these children.
Speaking in regards to the popular video game Savage admits, “I was obsessive about unlocking all the trophies on Beatles Rock Band, especially George Harrison’s guitar solos.”
Upon asking Savage his favorite Beatles song he did not answer with a mainstream response like “Hey Jude” or “Yesterday.” Rather, his favorite song is “You Know My Name.” It is basically a very playful and goofy recording the Beatles did after a long recording. It shows the levity within the band, and it is also a ton of fun to listen to, mainly because the only words are “you know my name, look up my number,” in various accents.
Obviously Savage’s generation felt a close relationship with the Beatles. But what about my generation? After speaking with Max Offsay, ‘11, he professed his love for the Fab Four.
“Last year on the Integrated tiyul Jesse Paller and I listened to the entire ‘White Album’… I have 94 Beatles songs on my iPhone.”
Like Savage, Offsay was subject to Beatles music since his childhood.
“My father sang me Beatles lullabies. My favorites are ‘The Continuing Story of Bungalo Bill’, ‘I am the Walrus’, and’ Back In the USSR.’”
Unless some unforeseen event occurs, like universal legislation banning the Beatles, the four famed friends of Liverpool will never fade from the pages of history. Even then, a black market for their music will certainly emerge. I will leave you with this…
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