Josh Berenbaum and Jordan Brenner
Sports Editor and News Editor
On December 2, a terrorist attack occurred just an hour away from our campus. This shooting in San Bernardino California prompted a more serious gun control debate in the country.
The school administration issued a response, sending an email to parents discussing increases in security, which will now include an “armed presence” on campus. And in addition to armed security guards, more security personnel will be on campus, and previously uncovered parts of campus will be secure in response to the increased pressure from outside security organizations that Milken consults.
Head of School Gary Weisserman hopes that guns will only be used to “deter any potential attacker.” He cited an attempt on neighboring Stephen Wise Temple as an instance where increased security deterred potential attackers.
As security measures become increasingly stringent, Weisserman told The Roar that as new security staff is added, “the who in security personnel” has become a crucial qualification. As a part of the additions, new security guards will have prior experience in the security field, and will undergo more intense training to ensure campus safety.
Student opinions have been mixed as some students believe that this added precaution is not necessary, while others applaud the concern shown by the administration. Shawn Kianmahd ‘16 was among those who are satisfied with the decisions. He said, “Milken not having guns will not stop an attacker from getting guns, sometimes even legally. Therefore we need to be prepared. I’m comfortable with trained security guards having guns on campus.” Brian Pearlman ‘17 disagrees, saying “The presence of guns on campus is an unnecessary risk. I have always felt comfortable with past security policies where only cars with decals were allowed.”
Amanda Hartstein ‘17 wishes it did not have to come to this. That being said, she added “Having guns on campus is safer than the alternative, right now.”
Weisserman has been satisfied with the response of parents claiming that it was “overwhelmingly positive.” He also added that both Milken and parents want to do everything they can to protect “the precious commodities on campus.”
Tuesday, when the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) was threatened, Weisserman and the security consultants beefed up security, and even added security guards who traveled on buses when students were being transported. And although Milken was not included in the threat, as an added effort to keep the students safe, the administration cancelled all after-school activities to exercise an “abundance of caution.”
In the near future Milken will be running drills to solidify the new safety measures. With this, students will join the recently bolstered security staff in being better prepared for any kind of emergency on campus.