Justin Leff and Sawyer Kroll
Staff Writers
This is the third part of a four-part series on the election results for Student Government and Class Council.
On October 31st, the Sophomores elected their class council, but unlike the other elections, there was an unlikely outcome. Candidates Ashley Khorsandi ‘15 and Brandon Yeshoua ‘15 tied twice for President, and now serve as Co-Presidents, with Samantha Suman ‘15 serving as Vice President.
Why did you want to run for your position?
Sam: Well, I’ve been on the class council since 9th grade and throughout the years I have seen what has worked and what hasn’t. I have a lot of ideas for this year and how to make it work for our grade and so I decided to run for VP.
Ashley: I decided to run again this year because I really loved planning and organizing events for our grade and bringing our grade together. I loved the collaboration; working with the council. It’s really fun and I love increasing our grade spirit and getting people involved.
Brandon: I’ve been in a lot of leadership roles since middle school, and leadership has always been a passion of mine; in school terms and on the soccer field.
What are you guys planning on going for the grade?
Sam, Ashley, Brandon: We’re starting with the issue on trash. We’re going to make a video, but we’re trying to keep it a little low-key. Color wars is coming up and we’re getting ready for that ’cause we’re winning this year.
What do you think of your competition for this year’s color wars?
Sam, Ashley, Brandon: Seniors are going down. We have no competition, it’s a joke.

What are you guys going to differently this year?
Sam: This year we have positions. Two Presidents, a VP and all the sub-VPs.
Ashley: Yeah. We’re organized this year. We have a Co-President which is really interesting.
Sam: They tied twice. Twice.
Brandon: It’s a little bit absurd. But I’m happy it happened.
What’s it going to be like being Co-Presidents?
Ashley: Brandon has a lot of experience, that’s one thing I love. He has a lot of great ideas.
Brandon: Ashley on the other hand is a lot louder. That is something that a leader has to be. It’s a good balance.