Leah Kuperman
Staff Writer
On Friday, October 26, the Milken art department held an art fair in the amphitheater. The fair’s purpose was to showcase the various art electives offered while enabling students to discover their artistic interests.
“Seeing examples of the work inspires the students who to consider taking an art class,” Ms. Mary Ellen Mortimer, visual arts teacher, said.
Every elective art class had its own booth where students presented their work. The booths included two to three representatives from classes including Ceramics, Architectural Design, and AP Studio Art. At the booths, students were able to watch their friends create original pieces of art and demonstrate various techniques from their classes.
In addition to the educational booths at the art fair, representatives from the National Art Honors Society (NAHS) in grades 10 to 12 were at their own booth showcasing the club and giving students Henna tattoos, face paint, and handing out various treats.
Ms. Dori Kulwin, head of the art department, believes the event was successful. She was pleased that many students were asking questions and taking an interest in the art projects being created.
“It was a beautiful day [and] there was great energy,” Kulwin said.
Kulwin reiterated that students did a large portion of the planning that went into the art fair. They prepared long-term projects and learned how to demonstrate techniques in order to inspire their peers to take an interest in the art electives.
“I realized I am interested in taking computer graphics next year after seeing the great work done by my friends,” Avi Sholkoff ’15 said.