Ariel Brenner
News Editor
In recent weeks, Milken has upgraded its security in the Skirball parking lot, ensuring that students obey preexisting rules and secure the safety of the lot.
While Milken has always had adequate security in the parking lot, communication from the Skirball reporting hazardous behavior from the students – including risky U-turns, speeding, rude conduct and an absence of parking passes – urged Milken’s security team to tighten its security in the Skirball lot.
Moreover, the Skirball conveyed that if similar behavior from student drivers should persist, it will revoke its contract with Milken and cease providing space for student drivers to park. This would force several students and carpools to find new ways to get to and from school, a difficult endeavor with the current construction and resulting traffic surrounding the school.
Mr. Meny Atias, Director of Security, maintains that Milken should be able to regain certainty over continuing to use the lot if the students and security work together to comply with the Skirball’s conditions.
“I have full confidence in the maturity and responsibility of Milken students,” Atias said. “As long as we are working as a team, we can make things happen.”
Although students are still experiencing regular violations in the parking lot, the number and magnitude of the violations have been decreasing. Moreover, while enforcement of the parking lot rules will continue to exist, Atias assures that, as long as students obey the basic rules in the lot, they will not even notice the increasingly evident presence of security.